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  • ✴️Boswellia Serrata, DAOs Legalized, Embracing Loneliness, and Why Children Need Risk

✴️Boswellia Serrata, DAOs Legalized, Embracing Loneliness, and Why Children Need Risk

The Art of Newsletterology

Salut, mon ami

Imagine life as a voyage from our first breath to our last, without a set destination. It's the experiences we collect—awe-inspiring moments, joy, and even the everyday—that give our lives meaning. As children, we're enchanted by the world's wonders, but as adults, we often overlook this magic.

Consider the joy in simple things: watching clouds drift, feeling the sun's warmth. These moments aren't just pauses in our routine; they're the essence of living. In our quest for success and solutions, we might forget these pleasures. Yet, the miracle of existence and our capacity to experience beauty call us to rediscover them.

This week, let's commit to noticing life's small miracles and appreciating the journey. Your life is your unique story, filled with its own paths and meanings.

Stay curious and enchanted by your journey.

This Edition at a Glance:

  • Health:🧘‍♂️ Boswellia Serrata

  • Wealth: 💰 DAOs Legalized

  • Wisdom: 🧠 Embracing Loneliness

  • Randomness: 💎 Why Children Need Risk, and 4 more

Our community site is a work in progress, and our goal is to unite geeks from around the world when it's up and running. In the meantime, we welcome your input, suggestions, content you think our community would enjoy, or just a friendly hello. Feel free to respond to this email with anything you'd like to share. We'd love to hear from you!


Discover the Ancient Secret to Modern Health: Boswellia Serrata

Hey there, fellow Silvergeeks! It's your friendly neighborhood health enthusiast here, diving into the world of ancient remedies that pack a modern punch. Today, we're exploring a gem that's been a bit of a buzz in the wellness community - Boswellia Serrata. You might know it as the source of frankincense, that aromatic resin that's been around since the time of the pharaohs. But did you know this old-school sap is making waves for its health benefits? Let's break it down, shall we?

Dr. Jeff Peng recently shed some light on this powerhouse plant, and I'm here to give you the scoop. Boswellia Serrata isn't just your average herb. This bad boy has some serious anti-inflammatory mojo, which could be a game-changer for anyone dealing with pain, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, and even cancer. But how does it work? It's all about the boswellic acids, which go head-to-head with inflammation by blocking an enzyme that's like a VIP at the inflammation party.

What's fascinating is that this isn't new news. Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine have been on Boswellia Serrata for centuries, using it to treat everything from respiratory issues to gut problems. And guess what? Modern science is starting to back up these ancient practices. Studies have shown that asthmatics breathe easier, folks with ulcerative colitis find relief, and even those battling Crohn's disease see improvements. And for the joint pain warriors out there, Boswellia Serrata might just be the ally you've been looking for.

Now, before you rush off to stock up, let's talk dosing. It's a bit of a Goldilocks situation - not too much, not too little, but just right. If you're going the resin route, you're looking at up to 1800 milligrams three times a day for arthritis. But if capsules or tablets are more your style, starting with 100 to 250 milligrams once a day with your breakfast might do the trick. Remember, starting low and slow is the way to go.

Safety-wise, Boswellia products are generally on the nice list, with few side effects reported. But, and it's a big but, always chat with your healthcare provider before diving into any new supplement, especially if you're already on medication.

And because we're all about spreading the love, if you found this dive into Boswellia Serrata intriguing, don't forget to hit the like button. It helps more folks join our health journey, and who doesn't love a bit of community spirit?

In the realm of natural health, Boswellia Serrata is just the tip of the iceberg. With ongoing research and a treasure trove of ancient wisdom, who knows what other secrets we'll uncover? Stay tuned, stay curious, and, as always, stay healthy. Catch you on the next one!


Wyoming Embraces Its Inner Geek: DAOs Get a Legal Crib 🏡

In a move that's got the crypto world tossing its virtual hats in the air, Wyoming has officially rolled out the welcome mat for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). That's right, Governor Mark Gordon whipped out his pen and turned the wild, wild web a tad more domesticated by signing a bill that basically says, "DAOs, y'all can crash here."

For the uninitiated, imagine DAOs as your online fantasy football league, but instead of arguing over quarterbacks, you're collectively running a business with the help of some fancy code and smart contracts. It's democracy gone digital, minus the endless paperwork and the need to wear pants to meetings.

The big brains in suits have been scratching their heads in confusion, trying to figure out how to fit these digital nomads into their old-school legal frameworks. Enter Wyoming's DUNA act (because who doesn't love a good acronym?), making it official that DAOs can now do grown-up stuff like signing contracts, opening bank accounts, and yes, even paying taxes. It's like giving a video game character a social security number.

But wait, there's more! Does this mean Wyoming is going to start micromanaging these digital utopias? Are there strings attached? For the full scoop on how Wyoming is becoming the cool aunt in the crypto family, stay tuned!


Embracing Loneliness: A Path to Growth and Connection

In today's whirlwind of a world, feeling lonely can sometimes seem like an unwelcome guest that just won't leave. But what if I told you that loneliness isn't just a shadow lurking in the corners of our lives but a stepping stone to growth and deeper connections? That's right, folks. Today, we're diving into a conversation that might just change the way you view those quiet moments when you're all by yourself.

Photo by Keegan Houser

I recently stumbled upon a heart-to-heart with Master Shang Yi, the head honcho at the Shaolin Temple Europe. Master Shang Yi, a man who's no stranger to the echoes of solitude, shared his pearls of wisdom on loneliness and its hidden power. And let me tell you, it's not your everyday chit-chat.

Loneliness, according to Master Shang Yi, isn't about the absence of people; it's about the journey you're on. It's about sitting with yourself and asking, "What's next?" It's a companion on the path to self-discovery and growth. And guess what? It's not all doom and gloom. Master Shang Yi sees loneliness as a catalyst for personal development, a sentiment I couldn't agree more with.

In our chat, he made a distinction between being alone and feeling lonely. Being alone is just a state of being, but feeling lonely? That's where the magic happens. It's in those moments of feeling lonely that we're pushed to grow, to reach out, to connect on a deeper level with those around us and, most importantly, with ourselves.

Master Shang Yi's journey through loneliness led him to build a community at the Shaolin Temple Europe, a place where like-minded souls could support each other on their paths. This community became a testament to the idea that while we may walk our paths alone, we're united in our quest for growth and understanding.

And here's the kicker: embracing loneliness doesn't mean shunning connections. On the contrary, it's about finding balance. It's about making peace with being alone and using that peace as a foundation to build stronger, more meaningful connections. It's about being okay with being your own best company and then stepping out to forge friendships that enrich your life.

So, to all my fellow Silvergeeks feeling a bit lonely out there, remember this: loneliness isn't a curse; it's an opportunity. An opportunity to grow, to learn, and to connect in ways you never thought possible. And hey, if Master Shang Yi can do it, so can we.

Until next time, embrace your solitude, find your community, and keep on shining.

Peace out


 🧨 Why Children Need Risk

An essential read for every parent: "Why Children Need Risk, Fear, and Excitement in Play" – a compelling essay on the importance of adventurous play.

🎨 Creator Economy Tools

An expansive compilation featuring over 1000 startups, enterprises, tools, platforms, newsletters, podcasts, and apps designed to support creators and professionals in their endeavors.

🌄 The Great Forgetting

The initial trio of years in our lives often fade into obscurity, leaving us with scant memories before the age of seven. What becomes of these early childhood recollections? A fascinating exploration awaits.

🖼️ Keep It Shot!

An innovative app that effortlessly assigns significant names to your photos and videos.

⛳ 50 Hobbies to Try

Bayartai Buuz! (Mongolian)

May your days ahead sparkle with vitality, overflow with riches, and be guided by deep wisdom. Stay vibrant, stay enlightened, and flourish. Until our paths cross again!

Enjoy the scenic route!
The Silvergeeks Crew 🚀