đŸ”„ Tummo, Investing, Reading, and Living Asymmetrically

The Art of Newsletterology

Hello, explorers of insight and balance! đŸŒ±đŸŒŸ

As we journey together on this path of enlightenment and growth, let's embrace the philosophy of Wabi-Sabi—finding beauty in imperfection and transience. Amid life’s whirlwind, let’s appreciate the simple, fleeting moments that bring us joy and wisdom. Embrace the journey, savor the imperfect, and let each moment shine with purpose. Stay grounded, stay inspired. đŸ’«

This Edition at a Glance:

  • Health:đŸ§˜â€â™‚ïžTummo Breathing

  • Wealth: 💰 AI and the New Era of Investment

  • Wisdom: đŸ§  The Art of Reading

  • Randomness: 💎 The Asymmetric Life, and 8 more

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đŸ§˜â€â™‚ïž HEALTH

Unlocking the Power of Tummo Breathing: A Journey to Inner Warmth and Wellness

Imagine generating warmth and energy within your body at will, using techniques perfected by Tibetan monks. For our health-conscious, affluent readers over 50, Tummo breathing offers a profound way to enhance physical and mental wellness.

Tummo breathing is more than just a method to stay warm. This ancient practice can boost metabolism, improve digestion, and detoxify your body. On a deeper level, it purifies your energy body, helping clear away lower desires and guiding you to higher states of consciousness.

Step-by-Step Guide to Tummo Breathing

  1. Get Comfortable: Sit cross-legged or on a couch with your spine straight and chin parallel to the ground.

  2. Deep Breathing: Inhale deeply, filling your belly first, then your chest. Exhale forcefully through pursed lips.

  3. First Round:

    • Inhale deeply, filling your belly and chest.

    • Exhale through pursed lips.

    • Repeat for 18 breaths.

    • On the last inhale, hold your breath for 30 seconds.

    • Visualize a candle flame at the base of your spine, growing as you hold your breath.

  4. Second Round:

    • Repeat the breathing process, holding your breath for 45 seconds.

  5. Third Round:

    • Engage Mula Bandha (root lock) by pulling up the pelvic floor muscles.

    • Hold your breath for 60 seconds.

    • Visualize the candle flame, spreading warmth and energy through your body.

Enhancing the Practice

To maximize benefits, focus on engaging the energy locks. At the end of your breathing rounds, pull up the pelvic floor muscles (Mula Bandha) and hold this lock while meditating.


With consistent practice over 21 days, Tummo breathing can transform your body and mind. It's more than a breathing exercise; it’s a journey to inner warmth, clarity, and spiritual growth. Embrace this practice and feel the profound changes it brings to your life. Try it today and let your journey to inner wellness begin.


The Future of Wealth: Embracing AI and the New Era of Investment

At first glance, the GPT-40 demo seemed like a modest step forward. Sure, it’s smarter and integrates multimodal capabilities a bit better. But after seeing other demos and hearing expert commentary, I realized there's more here than meets the eye. Let’s explore why GPT-40 is more than just an incremental improvement and what it means for our financial future.

Multimodality: The New Gold Standard

The term "multimodal" might sound like jargon, but it’s a game-changer. Simply put, GPT-40 can handle text, images, audio, and video simultaneously. This isn't just a neat trick; it’s a paradigm shift. Imagine AI that can analyze a company’s earnings report while listening to a CEO’s speech and scanning market data—all in real-time. This could revolutionize investment strategies, providing insights faster and more accurately than ever before.

Tokenization: The Secret Sauce

To understand why this matters, we need to talk about tokenization. Think of it as breaking down information into tiny, manageable pieces. GPT-40 tokenizes everything—text, images, and audio—allowing it to process data in a unified way. This approach mimics the human brain, which continuously processes sensory inputs and internal thoughts. For investors, AI can now offer more nuanced and contextually rich analyses, leading to smarter decisions.

Implications for Investors

So, what does this mean for your portfolio? Here are a few key takeaways:

  1. Real-Time Analysis: With real-time streaming capabilities, GPT-40 can monitor market conditions and news in real-time, offering immediate insights and recommendations. No more waiting for end-of-day reports.

  2. Enhanced Decision-Making: By processing various types of data simultaneously, GPT-40 provides a more comprehensive view of the market. This holistic approach can identify trends and opportunities that traditional methods might miss.

  3. Emotional Intelligence: Yes, you read that right. GPT-40 can understand and simulate emotional tones, which means it can gauge market sentiment more accurately. This is crucial for predicting market movements influenced by investor psychology.

The Bigger Picture

Looking beyond immediate financial gains, the evolution of AI like GPT-40 hints at a future where investment strategies are more data-driven and less reliant on human intuition. This doesn’t mean human investors will become obsolete, but those who leverage AI will have a significant edge. It’s like having a super-smart advisor who never sleeps and constantly learns.

Final Thoughts

We’re standing on the brink of a new era in wealth management. The advancements in AI, particularly with GPT-40, are not just incremental but transformative. As we embrace these technologies, we must stay informed and adaptable. The future of wealth is here, and it’s powered by AI.

Stay savvy, stay invested, and watch this space. Until next time!


Mastering the Art of Reading: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for the Wise

Today, we’re diving into a topic close to my heart: how to become a more efficient and better reader. Whether you’re tackling a novel, an academic paper, or even a cooking recipe, these tips and strategies will help you get the most out of your reading. But first, let’s start with some wisdom from Charlie Munger, who once said, “In my whole life, I have known no wise person over a broad subject matter area who didn’t read all the time. None. Zero.”

However, reading alone isn’t enough. You need to remember and apply what you read wisely. So, let’s explore some tried-and-tested insights to help you become a master reader.

Knowing When to Quit

First and foremost, it’s okay to quit a book. Somewhere along the way, we were told we must finish every book we start, but that’s simply not true. If a book doesn’t resonate with you, put it down. This opens up space for a book that might be a better fit. Remember, a book that seemed irrelevant at 18 might be profound at 35, so don’t be afraid to revisit it.

The Four Levels of Reading

Mortimer Adler’s “How to Read a Book” outlines four levels of reading, each requiring different approaches:

  1. Reading to Entertain: This is the basic level of reading we all learned in school. It’s for enjoyment, where you follow the story or content without much effort.

  2. Reading to Inform: This level involves skimming and superficial reading. Contrary to popular belief, skimming can increase understanding by giving you a broad view of the material.

  3. Reading to Understand: Here, you delve deeply into the text. Follow these four rules:

    • Classify the book by its subject matter.

    • Summarize the book’s main idea.

    • Outline its major parts and how they relate.

    • Define the problem the author is addressing.

  4. Reading to Master: This involves reading multiple sources on the same topic, comparing and contrasting ideas, and forming a deep understanding of the subject.

Choosing What to Read

Choosing great books is a skill in and of itself. New books often have flashy marketing but may lack substance. Instead, focus on books that have stood the test of time. Read older, classic books and the best ones twice. This way, you’ll fill your mind with enduring knowledge.

Note-Taking Techniques

Taking great notes is essential for retaining what you read. Here are two methods:

  1. The Blank Sheet Method: Before starting a new book, jot down what you know about the topic on a blank sheet. As you read, add to this sheet in a different color. Review your notes before each new session and compile these sheets into a binder for periodic review.

  2. Conventional Note-Taking: Summarize each chapter in bullet points, using your own words. Connect the ideas to personal experiences or other knowledge. After finishing the book, review your notes after a week to reinforce what you’ve learned.

Speed Reading: A Vanity Metric

Don’t worry about how fast you read. Speed reading is often touted, but comprehension and retention are what truly matter. Read quickly to identify valuable content, then dive in slowly and thoroughly.

Building a Reading Habit

Develop a simple reading habit, like reading 25 pages a day. It may seem small, but it adds up quickly. Consistent reading habits lead to significant knowledge gains over time.


Embracing the Asymmetric Life: Insights from Graham Weaver

Master one of these principles to dramatically improve your life. Nail two or three, and your life becomes magical. Conquer all four, and the possibilities are limitless.

Where to Travel This Year

Remembering Daniel Kahneman

Turn Your Books Into AudioBooks - iOS only :(

Track the International Space Station

Good Reminders

E.g., Asking “what-if?” about your past is a waste of time; asking “what-if?” about your future is tremendously productive.

30 Small Habits To Lead A More Peaceful Life

Delete Your Google Data

Just Do Art!

Dovidenia Dumplings! (Slovak)

May your week be as smooth as a fine merlot, as long as a golf swing, and as lucrative as a well-timed real estate investment.

Until next time!
The Silvergeeks Crew 🚀
